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With the "Consulta CCIR" you will be able to consult detailed data of the rural property registration certificate, containing information on regularization in Incra, payment of the CCIR, the status of the Property, debts of the Property, among others
What is?
The CCIR Consultation - Certificate of Registration of Rural Property is a service for consultation of rural properties from data from the National System of Rural Registration, available on the INCRA database, by the Federal Data Processing Service, containing the following modalities:
Consultation Certificate of Registration of Rural Property (CCIR): from the identification of the Rural Property / rural property code with 13 digits, the solution returns data from the rural property registration certificate: proof of regularization in Incra; payment of the CCIR; whether the Property is productive; Property Status; Area, municipality and state; Property Debts.
Query Properties by CPF/CNPJ: given a cpf or cnpj, the solution returns rural properties linked to the holder.
How does the payment model work?
The charge will be made by the sum of the consultations carried out, in the billing period, this sum will be multiplied by the unit value of the consumption range equivalent to the consumption carried out, as shown in the table below:
Faixa | Quantidade Consultas | Valor por Transação |
1 | até 1.000 | R$ 1,6635 |
2 | de 1.001 até 3.000 | R$ 1,5275 |
3 | de 3.001 até 6.000 | R$ 1,4019 |
4 | de 6.001 até 10.000 | R$ 1,2764 |
5 | de 10.001 até 20.000 | R$ 1,1508 |
6 | de 20.001 até 30.000 | R$ 1,0148 |
7 | de 30.001 até 50.000 | R$ 0,8997 |
8 | acima de 50.000 | R$ 0,7637 |