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The cloud workspace for your agency or public company wherever you are.
Virtual station as a service
Custom templates
Integration with local network environment
Operation and support of the environment
Standardization and scalability
Security and auditing
Flexibility in choosing the Operating System
Endpoints protection license included
Optimization of infrastructure investment
Access mobility
Why should you hire the Virtual Office in Cloud?
Because it simplifies the delivery of workstations in the quantity and configurations suitable for your needs, with mobility and security.
Encrypted network traffic
Monitored and audited environment
Segmented networks
Double factor authentication
Access via Web Portal
Virtualization of workspaces
Service package
Internet access
High Availability
Dual Factor Authentication
Environment life cycle
Software Distribution
Endpoint Protection
Segmented Networks
Basic Local Network Services
For information on how to use this product, access our documentation:
Contracting by consumption range
You will be charged by the sum of Workflow Sign in the month multiplied the unit value of consumption by range, according to the table below: