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Save on management and be more effective in paying fines

The SNE is the centralized, integrated and computerized solution for the management of electronic notifications related to traffic. By making it possible to pay fines with a 40% discount, the solution increases the effectiveness and speed of payments and brings huge savings with postal issuance.


know the advantages of joining sne

Inclusion of the infraction photo, when available

Possibility of generating a .pdf of the infraction

Registration of the region of interest and discovery of the user's location

Speed in the delivery process of notifications

Timeline for monitoring the infraction

Automatic information retrieval

User Payment Reminders

Increased effectiveness in paying fines

Direct integration with Renainf

Social responsibility by reducing the need for prints

Improvement in the organ's image with its audience

Which transit tax authorities can join the sne?

All agencies that register their traffic violations in the RENAINF (National Registry of Infractions) database. PRF (Federal Highway Police), DNIT (National Department of Transport Infrastructure), DERs (Departments of Highways), the 27 Detrans and related city halls.

! Social responsibility by reducing the need for prints

Note: The SNE allows citizens who are drivers or owners of vehicles to enjoy the rights guaranteed by the Brazilian Traffic Code (§1 of Art. 284).

Get to know the regulations related to the SNE:

Fill out the form and we will contact you

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