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         SERPRO | Counties

Be the agent of digital transformation in your city

A simple and agile proposal for the digital transformation of your municipality, inaugurating a digital government that will offer citizens a better experience in accessing public services and modernize local public management.



Technical support in the application of digital service transformation strategies

Participation in training programs in digital transformation

Use of digital platforms offered by the government

Governo Digital

Digital Government

Being recognized as the company that enables digital government is the focus of our corporate vision.

We act as a protagonist in the implementation of the new paradigm of global public management: a government without bureaucracy, accessible in real time and from anywhere.

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years of experience


active digital solutions serving the state


of the structuring systems of the federal public administration

33 bi

of transactions processed annually


thousand terabytes of storage


Plataforma de Inteligência de Governo

Uma verdadeira revolução digital ao seu alcance.

Mais que informatizar processos e rotinas, atuar como um Governo Digital Inteligente exige uma mudança profunda na forma de operar, trabalhar e interagir com os cidadãos.

Conte com o Serpro para essa transformação! E garanta para sua localidade a mesma expertise, segurança e disponibilidade dedicada aos serviços estruturantes do governo federal.

Discover our Structuring Solutions and
By Business Line

Structuring Solutions - free of charge, with adhesion through agreements with federal public agencies 

Solutions by Business Line - Serpro has a catalog of services capable of supporting your municipality in the journey of digital transformation. Check the business lines: Information and Analysis, Software, Privacy and Security, Environment and Connectivity

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Computerize your city hall's internal processes, making your work more efficient and agile.



Innovative solutions to solve everyday problems in the public and private market


Information and Analysis

More reliable business relationships, safer processes and smart decision making


Privacy and Security

Secure access to web services, including making financial transactions with the guarantee of the people and companies involved

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Government Operations

Carry out public policies without compromising the budget


Environments and Connectivity

The most reliable cloud computing services, networks and expert technical support


SERPRO | Counties

Do you want to know more about our services and how to contract for your municipality? Fill in the form below, we will contact you.

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Modernização Administrativa
Comunicação e interação
Certificação Digital
Validação Biométrica e dados
Segurança Digital
Redes e conectividade
Gestão do Trânsito
Ambientes e infraestrutura
Dados Confiáveis e Inteligência de Negócio
Validação Biométrica
Operação de Governo
Certificação Digital
Segurança Digital
Por casos de uso
Por Setor
Modernização Administrativa
Comunicação e interação
Certificação Digital
Validação Biométrica e dados
Segurança Digital
Redes e conectividade
Gestão do Trânsito
Ambientes e infraestrutura
Por casos de uso
Serviços disponíveis
Todos os Serviços (72+)
Todos os Serviços (72+)
Todos os Serviços (72+)
Todos os Serviços (72+)
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