Online platform for the sale of public real estate
VendasGov is aimed at public bodies and entities from the three spheres and the three powers that wish to sell their properties through a bidding process.
Our main objective is to reduce bureaucracy in the process of sale of assets through the display of advertisements, notices and monitoring of the electronic bidding process.
Which is ?
The VendasGov solution is an online platform for the sale of public properties, which makes it possible to expose properties considered unsuitable for public administration.
It carries out the sale following the legal rite, with the availability of notices and the holding of the bidding process in the competition modality (or equivalent to the Law of State-owned Companies).
It ranges from the acceptance of proposals from individuals or legal representatives of companies, to the holding of the public bidding, in its stages of qualification, judgment of proposals and respective appeal stages, to the declaration of the winner for the highest bid.
Cost reduction
Automated process, with reliable information from Government agencies.
Access to the electronic bidding process authenticated by the account
How does the payment model work?
There will be two forms of contracting, one for public bodies subject to Law 8.666/93 and the other for public companies governed by Law 13.303/16. The contracting of the solution will occur
through Serpro's consultative sale, via an adhesion contract. The solution is marketed by charging IT services, at a fixed amount of R$4,796.27 per property advertised on the platform.